Respuesta :
There appear to be 7 questions posted here that I will number 42-48:
42. It sounds like Shelby is experiencing generalized anxiety disorder.
43. Davis seems to have an irrational phobia of clowns.
44. People who have a fear of being evaluated in some negative way by others have a social phobia
45. Victims of sexual assault who have flashbacks may have post traumatic stress disorder
46. Sid constantly thinking about germs and wanting to wash his hands is obsessive-compulsive disorder
47. Bipolar disorder is characterized by high and low levels of activity
48. Personality disorders are characterized by inflexible and maladaptive behavioral patterns.
Generalized anxiety disorder: People who suffer from general anxiety have level of worry in their daily lives that reaches unhealthy levels. They cannot relax and they feel many physical consequences of always having a constant level of stress and concern over daily life events and tasks. It is hard for people who suffer from generalized anxiety to break the patterns of thinking as if small everyday occurrences can lead to tragedy or something catastrophic.
Phobias: People with specific phobias experience an irrational fear of a specific thing like heights or flying in an airplane. Another common phobia is a fear of rodents or specific insects. People who experience intense phobias go out of their way to avoid the phobic object or situation. When they are faced with the fear they experience intense fear or anxiety. Other phobias are agoraphobia or a fear of needles or blood.
Social phobia: People with social phobia have a fear of interacting with others and they feel intense shame at not performing to social standards. They have a fear of saying something that might cause a negative reaction from others in social situations. They thus avoid social events and certain social contexts. Also called social anxiety disorder, a person with this condition feels distressed and it affects their ability to perform in public situations or to perform social tasks.
Post traumatic stress disorder: This disorder occurs after a victim experiences a traumatic event like being r.aped, robbed, or kidnapped. It can also result from more extended traumas like having been involved actively as a soldier in a war and being exposed to danger and also having to harm others as part of your duty. It is common for people with PTSD to experience intense feelings of guilty, shame, and worry for their own safety in the case of being victim to a personal attack like r.ape or being m.ugged.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: People with this disorder often fixate on one compulsion and they repeat the activity because they can't remember if they completed it or they obsess about the consequences of not doing something in particular. The person with the personality disorder becomes consumed with the need to be perfect and to have neatness in their surroundings. They also tend to be inflexible and they need to feel in control of situations.
Bipolar disorder: People with bipolar disorder experience intense swings in their levels of energy and in their desire to do things. They can be manic and full of energy about an idea in one moment and then lose all interest or will to perform at a task in another. These patterns become unhealthy when they lead people to become erratic and unpredictable. The person with bipolar disorder experiences extreme shifts in motivation and mental and physical energy.
Personality disorder: This condition makes it hard for people to manage and control their feelings. One of the most commonly-known personality disorders is a borderline personality disorder. People who have this condition experience an unclear or shifting self-image. They tend to have intense relationships with the people in their lives, but the relationships are unstable, and they worry about people abandoning them.