If Bernard did not receive any pea plants that were green and wrinkled in actuality, would you know for sure that the parent genotypes were incorrect? Why or why not?

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The Question is incomplete, here is the complete question:

Bernard really likes growing peas in his garden, but the peas he likes are green. He also likes them to have a wrinkled texture, because he thinks they look much more interesting that way. Please work out a YyRr x YyRr (heterozygous cross)

If Bernard did not receive any pea plants that were green and wrinkled in actuality, would you know for sure that the parent genotypes were incorrect? Why or why not?

Answer: you would not know for sure that the parent genotype was incorrect.


Using the attached image to this answer, which is also part of the complete question you will find out that

R = Dominant allele for seed shape (Round)

r = Recessive allele for seed shape (wrinkled)

Y = Dominant allele for seed colour (yellow)

y = Recessive allele for seed colour (green)

An allele is the different form of a gene located in a chromosome’s position or locus example, the genetic composition for height can either the represented by the allele T or t.

Now let us explain what dominant and recessive means. Just as the names imply, dominance is superiority, a dominant allele is one that is expressed phenotypically in a heterozygous form. While a recessive allele is one that is only expressed phenotypically in homozygous form. In the above example a homozygous form of the allele for height can either be TT or tt, while heterozygous form is Tt.

Now going back to the question, looking at the information given on the dominant and recessive forms of the alleles for seed colour and shape, the following possible genetic composition can a possibility for a peas that was not green and wrinkled (that is peas that were yellow and round):

1. YyRr , or


This means that because yellow and round are dominant forms their genetic composition can either be 1 or 2. But from the statement given in the question the genetic composition of the peas given to Bernard was YyRr, which is correct for the qualities listed, so we would not say that the genotype is incorrect because it correctly depicts the qualities of yellow and round and it could have as well been YYRR. So it is a certainty that the parent genotypes given are correct the only uncertainty is that it could also have been YyRr.

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