Respuesta :

The second largest source of water vapor is the evaporating water from plant leaves.


The water vapor is one of the numerous gases that are found in the atmosphere. This gas is not very abundant when the whole atmosphere is taken in consideration, being the most abundant at sea level, around 1%, and throughout the whole atmosphere are around 0.4%. The water vapor is basically water in gas condition, and it is crucial for the water cycle.

The majority of the water vapor in the atmosphere comes from the water that evaporated from the water bodies, such as:

  • Oceans
  • Seas
  • Rivers
  • Swamps
  • Marshes

The second largest source of water vapor in the atmosphere are the plants. The plants use water in order to survive and perform their basic functions. Not all water is used though, especially in the regions where there is more than enough water, so in order to not get over saturated, the plants release the water in the form of water vapor through the pores of their leaves. This happens among most of the plants, except the ones from the deserts, as they don't have enough water, so they have developed mechanisms to retain it as much as possible.

Learn more about swamps and marshes
