in which lines of "as i grew older" does the speaker change from an active to a passive role? what according to the poems conclusion will be the result of destroying the wall? how is the conclusion linked to the poets dream?

please elaborate and explain your answer.

Respuesta :


"As I Grow Older" is Langston Hughes' (1902-1967) poem with a message to African Americans for self-realization.

The speaker changes from a passive to active role through lines 20-22

This change is not from an active to passive role (as mistakenly called in question) but it is from passive to active.


He will be able to meet his dream.  The conclusion of the poem with thousand lights of sun is the same as his dream was bright like a sun.


17 "Above me.

18 Only the thick wall.

19 Only the shadow.

20 My hands!

21 My dark hands!

22 Break through the wall!


The change from passive to active role starts from line 20 and is in full effect in line 22 (Break through the wall!


When the wall will be destroyed, it shadow will disappear and he will be able to meet his dream on the other side of the wall; and this dream will not be just a dream; it will be realization of poet’s (who represents all African-Americans) many dreams (Into a thousand whirling dreams)


In the start of the poem, the poet says that although he had almost forgotten that dream but he is now able to remember that dream which was

"Bright like a sun—  

My dream"

After the wall is destroyed poet's dream is as bight as thousand lights of sun.