When they were first written and published, Emerson’s ideas presented individuals with a new sense of purpose and control in their own lives. Instead of being subject to society or institutions, individuals could look to nature and to themselves to find a sense of the divine and to construct a meaningful life.

Many of Emerson´s ideas still resonate with people today. Recall or review some of Emerson's statements in "Self-Reliance." Which ones most directly apply to your own life or to the society around you? How might Emerson's words help people navigate the problems and issues of today? Choose one quotation from the essay and explain what it means and how it has relevance for you personally or for modern society.

Respuesta :


The quote: “Political victory, increasing profits, recovering from magic, meeting old friends, or a number of other happy events, inspire you and make you think that these good days are prepared for you. Do not believe. Nothing can bring peace except firm principles”


These lines state precisely the human condition and their opinions about luck. But Emerson believes that happiness grows from within man himself. Man is not predestined to be hostage to various events of life forever, he is able to escape or even do more than that.  When good things happen, we attribute it to our good fortune, even though good things only come when you're being true to yourself. In my opinion, we have to behave as we really are. When good things come, it comes becomes we held into our firm principles. Just like Emerson said, we do not have to be someone else’s wants.