Respuesta :
One of the most important difference between the two galaxies" is that the sbb galaxy has a lot of material and bar structures passing thourgh the center and the sb galaxy does not have this".
Basically we have 3 types of galaxies (ellipticals, spirals, and irregulars)
Sb galaxies
On this type of galaxies the "intermediate type of spiral typically has a medium-sized nucleus. They can contain stars, star clouds, and interstellar gas and dust. Usually show wide dispersions in terms of their shape. Other members of this subclass have arms that begin tangent to a bright, while still others reveal a small, bright spiral pattern inset into the nuclear bulge. In any of these cases, the spiral arms may be set at different pitch angles. is important to mention that a pitch angle is defined as the angle between an arm and a circle centred on the nucleus and intersecting the arm".
SB galaxies
"For these types of galaxies the luminosities, dimensions, spectra, and distributions of the barred spirals tend to be indistinguishable from those of normal spirals".
One special case occuers at the SBb systems, that "have a smooth bar as well as relatively smooth and continuous arms. In some galaxies of this type, the arms start at or near the ends of the bar, with conspicuous dust lanes along the inside of the bar that can be traced right up to the nucleus"
One of the most important difference between the two galaxies" is that the sbb galaxy has a lot of material and bar structures passing thourgh the center and the sb galaxy does not have this".