The correct answer is Activate the forensics analysis team and prepare documentation.
The digital forensic analysis corresponds to a set of techniques aimed at extracting valuable information from disks, without altering their status. This allows you to search for data that is previously known, trying to find a certain pattern or behavior, or discover information that was hidden. In this post the topic will be introduced, as well as the usefulness of it, either inside or outside an investigation.
In the field of Forensic Computing there are several stages that define the methodology to follow in an investigation: identification, preservation or acquisition, analysis and presentation of the results. Following the logical flow of activities, you must first identify the sources of data to be analyzed and what you want to find, then you must acquire the forensic images of the disks or sources of information, then the analysis of the acquired is performed to extract information valuable and finally the results of the analysis are sorted and presented, so that they are useful.