Respuesta :

The best known sentimental comedy is Sir Richard Steele’s The conscious Lovers 1722

Answer: The best known sentimental comedy is The Conscious Lovers

Explanation: The Conscious Lovers is a sentimental comedy written in five acts by the Irish author Richard Steele. The Conscious Lovers appeared on stage on  November 7 ,1722, at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and was an immediate success, with an initial run of eighteen consecutive nights. This comedy is by Irish journalist, editor, and playwright Richard Steele follows an impoverished but courageous young woman who ends up with the man she loves, even as she is accused of being a prostitute. Steele was interested in using traditional comedic forms to instruct young people on proper moral conducts. The play was the last he completed and by far his most successful. It is a major work of what is called “The Age of Sentimentality,” (1700-1790) and was one of the most produced works during this period. Its themes include the rewards of obeying one’s parents, the importance of virtuous behavior, the nobility of the working class, and the legitimacy of social structures like marriage.