Options missing:
atreverse comerse olvidarse parecerse ponerse quitarse respetarse
1. se atreve
2. se respetan
3. se comen
4.me pongo
The exercise aims for you to choose the proper verb and conjugate it from infinitive to present and adding the pronoun SE or the indirect object pronoun ME
The pronoun SE is used as a substitute for LE, LES when it is immediately followed by a pronoun LO, LA, LOS, LAS as a direct complement:
I gave it to you. / I gave him/her the car.
Se lo di/ Le di el carro
Here is the conjugation of the verbs used in this exercise:
Presente Indicativo
yo atrevo
tú atreves
él/ella atreve
nosotros atrevemos
vosotros atrevéis
ellos/ellas atreven
Presente Indicativo
yo respeto
tú respetas
él/ella respeta
nosotros respetamos
vosotros respetáis
ellos/ellas respetan
Presente Indicativo
yo como
tú comes
él/ella come
nosotros comemos
vosotros coméis
ellos/ellas comen
Presente Indicativo
yo pongo
tú pones
él/ella pone
nosotros ponemos
vosotros ponéis
ellos/ellas ponen