In the absence of an electric field, a radioactive beam strikes a fluorescent screen at a single point. When an electric field is applied, the radioactive beam is separated into three different components. One of the components is deflected toward the positive electrode because it is negatively charged, one of the components is deflected toward the negative electrode because it is positively charged, and one component is not deflected in any direction; instead, it moves along a straight path.

Identify the charges possessed by the different components of the radioactive beam by observing their behavior under the influence of an electric field.

Sort the appropriate items into Negatively Charged, Neutral, or Positively Charged:

1._____________ ? Rays
2. __________? Rays
3. _____________? Rays

Respuesta :


Negatively Charged: Beta - radiation

Neutral: Gamma radiation

Positively Charged: Beta + radiation.


The radioactive beam described is formed by three different types of particules:

  • The Negatively Charged are formed by electrons and known as Beta - radiation
  • The Positively Charged are formed by positrons and known as Beta + radiation. The other alternative to a positively charged radiation is Alpha radiation: formed by two positrons and two neutrines-
  • The Neutral ones are formed by Gamma radiation