a. Spanish or Portuguese colonialism.
During the war of independence in the early 19th century (1810-1826), most Latin American countries conquered it, which opened up opportunities for independent development. However, these revolutionary events did not lead to democratization and did not create the conditions for capitalist management.
A characteristic feature of the socio-political history of the Latin American republics was the survivability of the patriarchal-paternalistic traditions that developed during the colonial period, in the conditions of provincial isolation and civil wars of the 19th century. This was manifested in the dominance of "clan" ties between the "patron" (owner) – leader - and the mass subordinate to it ("clientele" - from the word ‘client’) over class and social ties. The essence of such ties is to rally one or another circle of people around a strong, influential person in the hope of resolving their pressing problems. Therefore, in the political struggle, the personal qualities of the leader, his ability to grasp the psychological mood of the “crowd,” to appear close and understandable to it came to the fore. Populist mass movements in Latin America, the role of leaders in party and political life represent a feature of most Latin American countries even in the 21st century.