Step-by-step explanation: Common denominators are very important especially when adding and subtracting unlike fractions where the denominators will not be the same.
Let's look at these two fractions.
No matter if we are adding or subtracting these two fractions, we will still need a common denominator.
The common denominator is simply the least common multiple for the two denominators. So if we want to find a common denominator for these two fractions, are first step is to find the least common multiple for 2 and 5.
6 factors as 3 × 2 and 5 doesn't factor.
When finding the least common multiple, we're looking for factors that match up and we have no factors that match up. SO our least common multiple is simply 3 × 2 × 5 or 30.
This means that our least common denominator is 30.
Remember, when you are dealing with unlike fractions, always start by looking for the least common multiple of the two or more fractions you are dealing with.