Arranged marriages that are orchestrated by the families of the bride and groom are common in many cultural groups in Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. Although arranged marriage is not the primary form of marriage in the United States, it does exist. Anthropologists would argue that arranged marriages actually do occur more frequently when marriages that are arranged in subtle and implicit ways are considered. What are three examples of subtle, arranged marriages that occur in the United States that may not necessarily be overtly called "arranged marriages"? Why do you think these types of marriages occur? How do these types of marriage compare to companionate marriages?

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Placement marriage among the mormón church.

Gypsy Romani marriages only among people from the same culture

Arranged marriages among people from a latin-american country and an American citizen.


In the first two cases it is normally to think that for those cultural and religious movements, it is necessary to preserve the same kind of customs and beliefs and the only way to achieve this goal is to keep engaging among themselves.

In the third example, the main idea of this combination would be for Latin-Americans to be part of the North American culture and economy (First world).