On the first day in school, It looks like a crime in the eye of of Scout because she feels she has committed it, when miss Caroline discovers that she can read and write. Though miss Caroline says she will try and come to Scout aid, when Atticus was ordered to stop teaching her. In addition, Scout wants to intervene on behalf of Walter Cunningham when Miss Caroline offers him money for lunch and she gave a convincing explanation on why Walter will not accept the money when she uttered a statement that, "Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham." Scout was punished due to the frustration she gave to Miss Caroline.
Scout voices her frustrations at home to Atticus. Atticus responded by saying , "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." Atticus helped Scout to see things from different perspective. In this case, he believes Scout should able to understand that Miss Caroline is a new resident of Maycomb County and with time, she'll get to understand its environment more effectively and efficiently.
Atticus's words of wisdom helps in many different situations in Scout's life. Most notably, Scout is able to change her perspective concerning Boo Radley. In the the end, Scout sees Boo as a kind and generous man, and she treats him with regards and honor.