In this lab, you are only looking at eukaryotic cells, plants are one type of eukaryote that you will be looking at. What are 2 organelles found only in plants?

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the two organelles found only in plants include chloroplasts and cell wall.


cell wall is the outermost boundary in most plant cells while animal  cells lack it .but the cell wall of plant cells is different from that of prokaryotic cell wall, both in structure and chemical composition.CELL WALL prevents the osmotic lysis of plants and provides them a definite shape. another organelle found only in plants is the CHLOROPLAST. choloroplasts are the type of plastids which are not found in animal cells .choloroplast contain a green pigment called chlorophyll which halp in PHOTOSYNTHESIS. in adition to these plants also contain GLYOXYSOMES and a large "centeral" vacuole which is present in animal cells but it is of small size and pushed towards periphery due to nucleus.