Levi is worried that everyone who looks at him notices his chin dimple. In fact, he’s so concerned about it, that he doesn’t leave the house for days at a time, tries to wear heavy scarves to hide it, and can think of little else. Levi likely has________.

Respuesta :

Answer:Body dysmorphic disorder


Body dysmorphic disorder is a disorder associated with mental health which causes someone to constantly worry about how they look and they focus more on even minor ,unnoticiable flaws in how they look.

They may feel ashamed and embarrassed about their look or appearance that they may begin to shy away from engaging in social gatherings.

This disorder is not your normal worry about how you look but it is intense concern and focus that the person will consistently check themselves in the mirror for long periods of time each day. The focus on a single flaw has an impact on even how one associate with others which affect their daily life like Levi is not not even going out of the room because of the chin pimple.