Respuesta :
Aggregate as of
December 31, 20161,2 Percent of Total Male
% Female
Private Clinical Practice
Nourishment creature exclusive 1,243 1.8% 78.6% 21.4%
Nourishment creature predominant 3,311 4.9% 77.2% 22.8%
Blended animal 4,158 6.1% 59.5% 40.5%
Partner creature predominant 6,121 9.0% 53.0% 47.0%
Partner creature exclusive 44,667 65.5% 38.8% 61.2%
Equine 3,920 5.7% 50.6% 49.4%
Other 274 0.4% 38.0% 62.0%
Species Unspecified 4,519 6.6% 22.4% 77.5%
Absolute Private Practice 68,213 100% 43.4% 56.6%
Open and Corporate Business
School or university 6,702 41.5% 43.3% 56.7%
Administrative government 1,846 11.4% 54.7% 45.3%
State or nearby government 1,051 6.5% 49.8% 50.2%
Formally dressed services 773 4.8% 48.5% 51.5%
Industry 3,354 20.8% 56.0% 44.0%
Other Open and Corporate 2,420 15.0% 33.6% 66.4%
Absolute Open and Corporate 16,146 100% 46.2% 53.8%
Business Unknown 28,140
Not Recorded Above 1,763
Absolute # of Positions held by
U.S. Veterinarians 114,262