Find and print a reference photo (black and white or color) at least 8” x 8”. If you don't have a printer, you can visit a local library or office supply store to print one out.
Draw a one inch grid over the reference photo—being careful to measure exactly. To do this, make one inch tick marks along the top edge of the photo, and on the bottom edge. Connect these two dots with a straight edge. Do this for the sides as well, and you will have your completed grid! VERY important: You must measure accurately, or your drawing will be distorted!
Draw a one inch grid on your drawing paper. This grid should be a 1:1 ratio, meaning it is the same size as the original reference photo.
Start your contour line drawing-begin transferring lines you see in the original photograph onto your drawing paper by going one square at a time. I recommend starting at the top left or right corner and working your way across and down. You can block off areas you aren't drawing to help you focus on one square at a time, like this: