the use of the peripheral route of persuasion.
Elaboration likelihood model: The elaboration likelihood model is also denoted by the term ELM. The model describes the persuasion process theory which consists of dual-process and explains the changes that occur in attitude. The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion was proposed by John Cacioppo and Richard E. Petty in 1980. The theory demonstrates the way a person process stimuli differently, its uses, and outcomes concerning attitude change.
Routes to Persuasion :
1. The central route to persuasion.
2. The peripheral route to persuasion.
Peripheral route to persuasion: The peripheral route to persuasion arises when an individual tends to persuade by anything else except the content of the message. The listener will decide whether he or she should agree with the content of the message based on other cues.
In the question above, the consultant's advice would be best explained by the use of the peripheral route of persuasion.