Which marketing strategy requires consistent attention to product quality, distribution, and a reinforcement advertising strategy because the brand is purchased habitually by the target market?

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Marketing Mix


The marketing mix is one of the classic elements of marketing, it is a term created by McCarthy in 1960, which is used to encompass its four basic components: product, price, place and promotion.

The 4Ps of marketing (the marketing mix of the company) can have as traditional variables with the account an organization to achieve its commercial objectives. For this it is absolutely necessary that the four marketing variables are combined with total coherence and work specifically to achieve complementary to each other.


The product is the quintessential variable of the marketing mix since it encompasses both the goods and the services that a company sells.


The price is the variable of the marketing mix through which the income of a company enters. Before setting the prices of our products we must study certain aspects such as the consumer, market, costs, competition, etc.


In general terms, the place consists of a set of tasks or activities necessary to move the finished product to the different points of sale. Within the marketing mix, the distribution strategy works on aspects such as storage, inventory management, transportation, location of points of sale, order processes, etc.


Thanks to the promotion, companies can publicize how their products can meet the needs of their target audience. We can find different communication tools: personal sales, sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing and public relations. The way in which these tools are combined will depend on our product, the market, the target audience, our competition and the strategy we have defined.