Mars to see if those environments can support life. Living organisms have needs in order to survive. One of those needs is the right temperature range. Yeast, a type of living organism, will be used to represent life. When yeast is in a suitable environment, it grows and produces carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 production by the yeast will be measured by a balloon, which will be attached to a water bottle filled with different mixtures. As the colony size of the yeast increases, so does the rate of CO2 production, as long as there is an ample supply of nutrients. If the environment inside the bottle is conducive to yeast growth, the maximum rate of CO2 production will be high. If the environment is hostile to yeast, the maximum rate of CO2 production will be low. If carbon dioxide production is low, then that environment cannot sustain yeast, and therefore cannot sustain life.

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They are trying to answer a question