Asset turnover: 1.4423 (144,23%)
ROA: 0.0038 (0.38%)
Asset turnover helps investors understand how effectively companies are using their assets to generate sales. Asset turnover is calculated by using following formula:
Asset Turnover = Total Sales or Revenue/ Average Total Assets
(Beginning Assets + Ending Assets
Total Sales=Annual sales total
Average Total Assets = (Beginning Assets + Ending Assets
)/2 = (Assets at the beginning of year +Assets at end of year
Return on assets (ROA) helps an investor see how much after-tax profit a company gained for each dollar in assets, is calculated by formula:
ROA = Net Income/ Average Total Assets
In Federal Express:
Average Total Assets = ($24,610+$23,300)/2= $23,955
Asset turnover = $34,550/$23,955 = 1.4423 (144,23%)
ROA = $91/$23,955 = 0.0038 (0.38%)