Respuesta :
1. The global distribution of water is not fair, but that can be seen from several different aspects.
The freshwater can be found all around the world, though is come places is much more abundant than others, or in some places is much more available than others. It is not fair that the water is not distributed equally around the globe, but that is mostly due to the nature itself, as the climate is not the same everywhere. The human impact too is very important, as many regions have lot of water at disposal, but the management of it is terrible.
It seems that the countries where the water is lacking, is not clean, and safe, are all countries that fall in the category of least developed countries or developing countries. While some don't have large reserves of freshwater, others have in abundance, but the problem is still there. This is mostly because of the bad management of the water, as the industry and the people themselves often sue the waters for disposal of waste of all sorts, thus destroying it.
Some countries that are abundant in freshwater reserves but have problems with it are:
- India
- Bangladesh
- DR Congo
- Nigeria
Learn more about the freshwater reserves
2. The clean water is imperative for survival because it is essential for the working of the organism, and without it we can not survive.
The humans, as all other organisms on the planet, need water for their survival. The body mass of the humans is actually predominantly consisted of water, and it is the basic fluid that runs the organism. The water, the clean one, has to be consumed at daily level, and not having enough water for drinking is causing lot of physical and mental problems, and several days without consumption of it will lead to death in most cases.
Taking in account how important is the water for the survival of the humans, it has to be managed much better. It is not an issue the amount of freshwater on the planet, as there is more than enough for everyone, but the problem is the pollution of it. The uncontrolled pollution of the water, often with highly toxic chemicals, makes totally unusable and dangerous. The impact can be long lasting, and urgent measures have be taken so that the water is protected for the well being of everyone.
Some measures that should be taken in places where there is large scale water pollution are:
- strict laws
- control of the industry
- imposing laws for usage of filters
- education of the people about the importance of water and the pollution of it
Learn more about water pollution
3. The increase in population will most probably cause even bigger problems with the water.
The water quality around the world tends to be heavily impacted by the growth of the population. Basically, it seems that the more population there is, the more water is polluted. This is creating an even larger problem, as with the growth of the population, the demand for water is also increasing, while the clean and safe water is decreasing in amount in meantime.
The regions in the world where there is the biggest population growth, are actually all underdeveloped regions. These regions are poor, and in order to develop and get some money, the government, industry, and the people themselves, don't really look at the consequences from the damage they are doing on the environment, including the water. As the populations rise in these regions, the demand for freshwater increases, but the pollution increases as well, so more and more people don't have enough water for drinking, or the one they have is polluted.
Regions that have these problems are:
- South Asia
- West Africa
- East Africa
- Central Africa
- Southern Africa
Learn more about pollution in South Asia