Excerpt from Music to My Ears
John Devine

5When I graduated from college I thought for sure I had left such academic gobbledygook behind me. Silly me. No sooner had I started teaching than I realized that education was no more immune from gibberish than medicine or poetry. I still remember my first faculty meeting. The principal cleared his throat and said, “teachers, it’s time to embrace mastery-focused higher-order thinking.” I remember the phrase after all these years because it was responsible for the biggest headache I ever had. And I’ve had some doozies, believe me. At our next meeting he asked us to "cultivate interdisciplinary content." By the time he invited teachers to "streamline child-centered learning styles," I found myself growing nostalgic for student slang.

By the time he invited teachers to "streamline child-centered learning styles," I found myself growing nostalgic for student slang.

Which statement BEST explains why the writer is "nostalgic for student slang"?
A) The writer does not get along well with his principal.
B) The writer prefers student slang to educational jargon.
C) The writer has retired from teaching and misses his students.
D) The writer does not believe in "child-centered learning styles."