Here are some facts:
- Mexican migration to the USA started in the 19th century; In 1860, there were 155,000 Hispanics who lived in the USA, 81.1% of them were Mexicans;
- in 1900 , there were approximately 500,000 Mexican living in American territory, most of them in New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, California and Texas;
- the Great Depression hit hard the Mexicans in the US; besides unemployment and intensified racist discrimination, they faced the threat of deportation.
- after 1941, due to the war and recruitment of American men, farm laborers were brought to meet labor shortages in farms in the United States, the so-called Braceros Program;
- in 1960, only 6% of immigrant living in the US were from Mexico;
- in 2008, 65.7% of all Hispanics were Mexican.