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Biological pest control is a bio effector-method of controlling pests. This controlling method involves the use of naturally occurring diseases, infectious organisms, parasites, and predators that will be helpful to control pests.


Biological control of pest involves the use of biologocal mechanisms to eliminate pests.

The term biological control refers, on the one hand, to the natural phenomenon that consists in the regulation of the number of plants and animals by means of natural enemies (parasites, predators and pathogens), on the other hand, to applied pest control, a technique that includes the manipulation of these natural agents by man to reduce losses in agriculture, afforestation or commercial products.

Biological control is based on the freedom of natural enemies in order to control the organisms that cause damage to the pests. It seeks to reduce the population of the pest to levels that do not cause economic damage and that guarantees the survival of the controlling agent.

Biological control is also a pest control method: Which consists in the use of living organisms in order to control problem populations. It implies a deep knowledge of the problem adversity in order to identify it correctly to be able to know which organism to use for its control, since one of the characteristics of this management is it high specificity.