Which of the following statements about the young people of the '60s counterculture are true?

They wore their hair long and their clothes loose and colorful.

They supported the Vietnam War and agreed to serve in the armed forces.

They demanded power in their schools and colleges.

Some experimented with drugs and died as a result.

Most believed in total segregation and opposed the civil rights movement.

Some were civil rights marchers and they helped register new voters.

Respuesta :

The responses would be A, C, D, and F.


A. They wore their hair long and their clothes loose and colorful.

C. They demanded power in their schools and colleges.

D. Some experimented with drugs and died as a result.

F. Some were civil rights marchers and they helped register new voters.


The "Generaetion Gap", or the inescapable saw partition in perspective between the old and youthful, was maybe never more noteworthy than amid the counterculture era. A substantial proportion of the generational gap of the 1960s and mid 1970s was conceived of quickly developing style and hairdo drifts that were promptly received by the youthful, however regularly misjudged and criticized by the old. These incorporated the wearing of long hair by men, the wearing of characteristic or "Afro" hairdos by dark individuals, the wearing of uncovering attire by ladies out in the open, and the mainstreaming of the hallucinogenic dress and formal attire of the brief flower child culture. At last, viable and agreeable easygoing attire, specifically refreshed types of T-shirts (regularly splash-colored, or decorated with political or promoting articulations), and Levi Strauss-marked blue denim jeans turned into the suffering uniform of the age. The design predominance of the counterculture successfully finished with the ascent of the Disco and Punk Rock periods in the later 1970s, even as the worldwide notoriety of T-shirts, denim pants, and easygoing apparel all in all have kept on developing.  

The encounters between undergrads (and different activists) and law authorization authorities wound up one of the signs of the time. Numerous more youthful individuals started to demonstrate profound doubt of police, and terms, for example, "fluff" and "pig" as defamatory designations for police returned, and ended up catchphrases inside the counterculture vocabulary. The doubt of police was put together not just with respect to dread of police ruthlessness amid political challenges, yet in addition on summed up police debasement - particularly police production of false proof, and altogether capture, in medication cases.