Evan and Eileen Carter are husband and wife and file a joint return for 2018. Both are under 65 years of age. They provide more than half of the support of their daughter, Pamela (age 25), who is a full-time medical student. Pamela receives a $5,000 scholarship covering her tuition at college. They furnish all of the support of Belinda (Evan’s grandmother), who is age 80 and lives in a nursing home. They also support Peggy (age 66), who is a friend of the family and lives with them. How many dependents may the Carters claim?

Respuesta :

Answer: Only two.

Explanation: Pamela does not apply as a dependent because, to have this condition, you must be under 24 years old and have an annnual income of less than 4050 dollars, while Belinda is an older woman with parental relationship with one of the claimers and Peggy can be considered because is a family friend and does not break the law because of their relationship.