Respuesta :
1. Itself/herself/himself (this are reflexive pronouns that are used when the subject and the verb complement are the same)
2. Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things (anyone, most, some)
3. The gender categories are masculine, femenine and neuter (into which words are divided)
4. Personal pronouns are one of a class of pronouns used to stand for nouns representing first, second, and third person.
5. Number is the form of a word marking singular or plural.
6. An intensive pronoun serves to emphasize a preceding noun.
7. The person speaking (first person), the person spoken two (second person) and the thing or idea being discussed (third person)
8. The case express the grammatical relationships between words in a sentence and the forms of words used to communicate those relationships (in English, nominative, objective, and possessive are case forms for nouns and pronouns)
9. English speakers use reflexive pronouns as an indirect or direct object and moves the action of the verb back on the subject number. For example: yourself, himself, herself, and so on.
10. You is the pronoun generally used in asking a question person.
11. A reciprocal pronoun, such as each other and one another, communicates mutual relationship.
12. In English, "who", "that" and "which" are the most common relative pronouns.
case a form of noun, pronoun, or adjective used to show its relation to other words
gender the grouping of nouns into the classes masculine, feminine, and neuter
number an inflection or word form that shows whether one or more than one is meant
person a change in pronouns or verbs used to show the person speaking, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken about
personal pronoun a pronoun that shows by its form whether it refers to first person, second person, or third person