Answers 1-10 this is really hard

1.) The correct answers are Brazil; North, Central, South. In the 16th century Brazil was dominated by Portugal. The entire empire of Spain was included South America, Central America, and North America.
2.) The correct answers are intermarriage and mestizos. During 1501, the rulers allowed intermarriages of Native Americans and Europeans to be held. their children were called mestizos. This was not allowed in other places during that time period.
3.) The correct answer is agriculture. During this time period, the landowners had a dominant role in society that was one of the most notable feature in the Latin American agriculture.
4.) The correct answer is empires. The empires of Latin America, Portuguese and Brazil all had colonial empires that lasted for 300 years. Brazil was founded in 1500 and stayed alone until Portuguese came 15 years later. when they merged the official name was " United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves."
5.) The correct answers are Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits. During this time, the Catholic missionaries would be fanned out all throughout the Spanish empires. This way their message was reached by more people.
6.) The correct answers are England and Scotland. In 1707, the The United Kingdom of Great Britain was began. This happened when England and Scotland became united together.
7.) The correct answers are Canada and India. During the Seven Year War, a man named William Pitt the Elder expanded the british empire single handedly. He did this by purchasing both Canada and India.
8.) The correct answer is Independence. Thomas Jefferson was the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. it was approved by the Second Continental Congress. They approved the Declaration on July 4, 1776. It is now a national holiday in the United States and celebrated each year on JUly 4th. Celebrations are held by using fireworks and having get togethers.
9.) The correct answer is Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was made to recognize the American colonies independence of the British. This treaty was signed into effect in the year 1783. This ended the Revolutionary War.
10.) The correct answers are federal, national and state. In the Constitution, the federal system was created to have both the national and state governments to work together and share their duties and work effectively together and for the people of the United States.
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