The structure of DNA was solved by Watson and Crick. They proposed the double helical model of DNA.
a) If one strand has the sequence 5’-ATCGACCTGATC-3’ , then the sequence in the other strand will be complementary to this.
As we know A pairs with T and C pairs with G, so the sequence will be as follows: 3'-TAGCTGGACTAG-5'.
b) Nucleotide are the basic repeating units in a nucleic acid. Nucleotide are joined together by phophodiester bonds in each strand.
c) These phosphodiester bonds are covalent in nature.
d) The phosphodiester bond is formed between the phosphate and deoxy ribose sugar. Both these units form the backbone of DNA. The hydroxyl group of phosphate reacts with 3' carbon of sugar in adjacent nucleotide to form the ester bond.
e) The enzyme responsible for forming the phosphodiester bond between the nucleotide is DNA polymerase.
f) One strand of DNA is joined to the other strand by the hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases.
g) These bonds between nitrogenous bases are hydrogen bonds (not covalent). Two hydrogen bonds are formed between A and T and three hydrogen bonds are formed between C and G.
h) The pairing in DNA double helix is called complementary base pairing.
i) The two strands in DNA are anti parallel i.e. one strand runs from 5' to 3' whereas the other strand runs from 3' to 5'.