The paintings of Giotto, including the one below titled Lamentation, is considered a precursor to Renaissance art because of its __________ use of linear perspective human-centered realism idealized human forms dramatic use of light

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Answer: The answer is its three-dimensional use.


Giotto  painted flat and symbolic figures in perspective. He belonged to the Renaissance movement.

His works stood out for their volume and weight. These were made in third dimension, almost real.

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The paintings of Giotto, including the one below titled Lamentation, is considered a precursor to Renaissance art because of its three dimensional use of linear perspective human-centered realism idealized human forms dramatic use of light


    Lamentation (1303-05) by Giotto di Bondone (1266 - 1337) is rightly one of the Chapel Arena's most famous frescoes, as few representations of the theme have achieved such a feeling of commotion and grief. Giotto used the confrontation of two faces in order to intensify the dramatic effect. This is the Virgin, her face contorted with pain, who looks into her son's dull eyes. The other figures react in different ways to the tragedy - some stoically watch as angels, unable to contain their anguish, tear the heavens apart with their mourning.

    A group of men and women mourn the death of their Savior while angels await their arrival in the kingdom of heaven.

     Emotional gestures, pained expressions and light colors increase the intensity of Mary's grief, leaning over the dead body of Christ.

    Giotto sparked a revolution in painting. He was one of the painters to give the illusion of real life, in terms of emotion and space, on a flat surface.

    This painting, one of many scenes depicting the life of the Virgin, is considered one of the most important in the development of Western art.

     Alongside Cimabue, Giotto is generally considered the founder of modern painting for breaking with the static and stereotyped conventionalism of his day.

    In 1334 Giotto was appointed as supervisor of the cathedral of Florence and architect of the city. This was a tribute to his great reputation as a painter rather than a consequence of any architectural knowledge.