
Just as the surface area-to-volume ratio depends on size, so can other properties. To see how, suppose that your size suddenly doubled; that is, your height, width, and depth all doubled. (For example, if you were 5 feet tall before, you now are 10 feet tall.) A)By what factor has your waist size increased? B)How much more material will be required for your clothes? (Hint: Clothes cover the surface area of your body.) C)By what factor has your weight increased? (Hint: Weight depends on the volume of your body.) D)The pressure on your weight-bearing joints depends on how much weight is supported by the surface area of each joint. How has this pressure changed?

Respuesta :


A) 2 times

B) 4

C) 8

D) 2 times


By what factor has your waist size increased?

Factor of 2

How much more material will be required for your  

   clothes? 4

By what factor has your weight changed? 8


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