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Poverty Is a global problem, as people who understand this term subjectively and comparatively, while others see it in terms of moral and evaluative, and others see it from an established scientific point of view. The term developing countries is usually used to refer to countries - poor country.
Poverty alleviation remains one of the most pressing problems in Indonesia. The number of Indonesians living on an income less than S2 as per day is almost the same as the total population living on as S2 per day from all countries in the East Asia region except China. The government's commitment to alleviate poverty is stated in the medium-term development plan (RPJM) 2005 - 2009 which was compiled based on the national poverty reduction strategy (SNPK). In addition to signing the Millennium Development Goals for 2015 in its RPJM, the government has set the main goals in poverty alleviation for 2009, including ambitious targets to reduce poverty from 18.2% in 2002 to 8 , 2% in 2009 although the national poverty rate is close to a critical condition, this still means that around 40 million people currently live below the poverty line. After all, although Indonesia is now a middle-income country, the proportion of the population living on income is less than S2 per day
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Poverty :
Class: high school
Subject: history
Keywords : Poverty, countries