look over this

In the greek myth perseus perseus is sent to kill medusa a (woman with snake hair and the ability to turn people into stone) but first he had to find the Graeae, (3 old women with one eye)in order to convince them to reveal the Hesperides whereabouts. As the women passed the eye from one to another, with the intention to take a closer look at the handsome young man, Perseus snatched it from them and was holding it for ransom in return for the location of the Hesperides. This being their only way to see things, they had no choice but to tell him about the location. Later, when the hero finally found Atlas' daughters, they gave him kibris, the only sack able to contain the head of Medusa they his father zuse gives him a sword,athina gives him a child,hermione gives hom flying sandals and Hades gives him a helm of darkness and he goes and kills medusa