In "Atalanta, the Fleet-Footed Huntress," after Atalanta helps to kill the boar, heroes from all over come to Arcadia, wanting to marry her. Many won't take "no" for an answer. How does Atalanta respond to these men and their advances? Atalanta tells the men that the man who wins her heart must bring her golden apples. She tells the men that she will only marry the richest king in Greece. Atalanta tells the men if they want to marry her, they must beat her in a race or lose their life if she wins. She tells the men that she will give them a head start in the race, but if they accept, they will lose their life.

Respuesta :

through whom the myths have come down to us from the ... in no sense mine and had been told by great writers in ways ... Side by side with them are stories told only by Ovid, ... Atalanta. 173. PART FOUR: The Heroes of the Trojan War. 13 ...... that what she wanted above all else was to see him in his full


Letter C) Atalanta tells the men if they want to marry her, they must beat her in a race or lose their life if she wins.


Atalanta is a mythological character, a huntress that only survived being abandoned as an infant due to the goddess Artemis' protection. Atalanta was brought up by hunters and grew up to be the fastest woman ever seen. She was very skilled, determined, and strong, being capable of great things. She defeated Achilles' father in a competition and helped kill the Calydonian Boar, a savage creature sent by Artemis to destroy the fields.

When several suitors decided they wanted to marry her, she was unwilling to do so. Knowing that no one could beat her, she proposed that they raced against her. The one who ran faster than her would become her husband, but those who lost would have to die. As expected, she was too fast for them to beat, so a certain suitor, Melanion, appealed to the goddess Aphrodite for help. She gave him golden apples and told him to throw them on the ground during the race. Atalanta couldn't help but stop to pick them up, thus losing the race.