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Which of the following 18th-century American colonists would have most supported the argument Charles Inglis outlined in "The true interest of America impartially stated"? (APEX APUSH)

"If we may judge of future events by past transactions, in similar circumstances, this would most probably be the case of America, were a republican form of government adopted in our present ferment. After much blood was shed, those confusions would terminate in the despotism of some one successful adventurer; and should the Americans be so fortunate as to emancipate themselves from that thralldom, perhaps the whole would end in a limited monarchy, after shedding as much more blood. Limited monarchy is the form of government which is most favourable to liberty – which is best adapted to the genius and temper of Britons; although here and there among us a crack-brained zealot for democracy or absolute monarchy may be sometimes found."

A. Baptists
B. Loyalists
C. Indentured servants
D. Patriots