1- Wating time: Waiting times for all services should be minimised in benefit of patient satisfaction.
2- Information: Patient information and instruction about all procedures should be made very clear. It's helpful to share with patients the FAQs about your practice so they can be informated. By making answers available on your website, patient portal, and print materials, you'll better align patient expectations with patient experiences.
3- Communication: Communicating with the patient and the family about possible delays is a factor that can avoid a lot of frustration and anxiety.
4- Access: Accessibility and availability of both the hospital and the physician should be assured to all those who require health care.
5- Eye Contact: It´s important to focus on the patient. Particularly in the first couple of minutes of each visit, and especially important with new patients. Is commonly call "listen with your eyes"
6- Ancillary Services: Other services such as administration, procedures, food, etc. should be accessible both to patients and to attending families.