Respuesta :

Remember that a reform movement refers to the effords of certain parts of or a whole society to make some changes in what they consider harmful or wrong. It is important to say that these are gradual and even not profound changes and happen over some time, unlike revolutions. In this case, the photo shows some children working in a factory, something that even though was a normal thing, could have not been very visible for the regular citizen. The photo makes it obvious that there is something wrong there, kids should have the right to enjoy their childhood. The reforms in that case would discuss the morality of child labour considering it harmful for them, as a consequence, nowadays it is prohibited and penalized in most parts of the world.  


The photograph might have led to the beginnings o the reform movement because it provided information about how dangerous was for children to perform certain working activities.


The Reform movement in the united states of America was a movement that sought for the re-structure of laws and systems to align it with the ideals it had and the ideas that created them. In this case, e can observe that children are performing labor activities. But the phenomenon was far worse than this picture because they were abused, and exposed to dangerous activities. So hazardous that some died. Therefore, certain whistleblowers spoke and everything changed.