
Help on Making an Egg capsule that survives a about 100 feet launch from catapult. You can only use one plastic bag, one Styrofoam cup, one ziplock bag, 7 popsicle sticks, 7 cotton balls, 9 packing peanuts, 9 straws, 9 yards of string, 1 yard of string, 1 egg and 1 yard of tape. And no, you can't hard boil the egg. Any ideas or pictures?

Respuesta :

i would but the cotton balls, packing peanuts and egg in the cup. then i would make a small box out of the popsicle sticks around the cup, by warping the sticks with your string. the tape it shut with the cup in the box
Well, surround the inner walls of the styrofoam cup with the popsicle sticks, stuff 4 cotton balls at the bottom of the cup for protection and cushioning, put the egg inside, stuff the remaining three cotton balls on the top of the egg,  (you should be closing the cup with the cotton balls; like a cotton ball lid), THEN make a sealed lid with the tape over the top of the cotton balls to make a tape lid for thee cup, AFTER that, put as much peanuts as you can at the bottom of the cup and around the bottom rim of it, THEN make a little raft from the straws, (EXACTLY like how it's shown in the picture below), and hot glue or tape that to the peanuts, then put that cup into the ziplock bag. 
Ask if you could use a tiny square of fabric, (so you could make a parachute and tie string to the fabric at the borders/corners of the bag), but if you can't....
Then instead wrap the bag with string, and be sure that there is a THICK layer covering the ENTIRE bag. ;-)
I hope I helped! =D
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