The correct answers are C and D. In Magellan's expedition, Magellan found a strait that led through the southern tip of South America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and he was killed when he tried to enslave the inhabitants of the Spice Islands.
The Spanish sea expedition led by Fernando Magellan was the first voyage around the world. It began on September 20, 1519 and ended on September 6, 1522 under the command of Juan Sebastian Elcano.
The expedition was manned by a large team (according to various estimates, 265-280 people) on 5 ships. As a result of the riots, the hardest intersection of the Pacific Ocean and clashes with the population of the Philippines and the Spice Islands, the team was greatly reduced. Only one vessel, Victoria, managed to return to Spain with 18 people on board. Another 18 people captured by the Portuguese returned to Europe later.