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He wanted the maintenance of the British Empire’s unity by ensuring the security of France, removing the threat of the German Sea Fleet and settling territorial contentions.


The Paris Peace Conference, also known as Versailles Peace Conference, was the meeting of the Allied victors after the end of World War I to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers following the armistice of 1918.

The “Big Four” were:

  1. President Woodrow Wilson of the United States,
  2. Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain,
  3. George Clemenceau of France,  
  4. Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando.

Although they made the key decisions, they actually disagreed in key points.

We are going to talk about the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George:

In general, he was willing to negotiate with the other countries and his main goals were the maintenance of the British Empire’s unity, he wanted to do this by ensuring the security of France, removing the threat of the German Sea Fleet and settling territorial contentions.

Woodrow Wilson actually came out with a list of 14 points which were based in idealism to end World War I but he couldn't find support from some other countries including Great Britain Prime Minister.

The Paris Peace Conference eventually lead to many treaties, one of them being the Treaty of Versailles.