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AverageIf in excel will calculate the average of cell values which matches the given condition. It is a mixture of “If” construct and average function. Let us understand this concept with an example.

=AVERAGEIFS(B2:B8, A2:A8, ""orange"", B2:B9, "">100"")

This will check whether A2:A8 has a content “orange” and then pick the associated value if B2:B3 value is >100. So it checks two condition and then calculate the average.

Let us look into one another example:

=AVERAGEIFS(D3:D9, B3:B8, ""<8/22/2015"", C3:C8, ""<>"")

This would get the values less than the specified date provided it is not equal to the values in C2 to C8 cells.