Respuesta :




2.1. metaphor

2.2. simile


3.1. took a look

3.2. miniature

3.3. rushed


1. Living on a deserted island doesn't have to be scary and boring. It could be an adventure, a challenge to stay alive in the wild.

Keeping that in mind, I would choose to take with me a stainless steel knife. The steel is a powerful feature as it would never go dull and that way, the knife could serve multiple purposes: I would cut trees with it to make shelter, I would use it to hunt and protect myself.  But let's not forget a hobby! It is important to always have something to do, so I would probably carve and make totems in my spare time.

Although there aren't many things that could be useful on a deserted island, I am certain that a weapon is a good way to at least feel safe and have access to food.


2.1. A blanket of snow

A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one term to refer to another. Both of these terms have to have something in common, and that thing becomes the motor of the metaphor. It is based on a similar characteristic that a metaphor is created. In this particular case we have a blanket of snow, which covers the entire front yard, just like a real blanket does.  

2.2. Shivering like a leaf

A figure of speech that compares the characteristics of two terms is called a simile. It brings two terms closer based on a quality they share. We recognize it as it usually uses words such as like or as for comparison.  In this case, Nancy was so cold that she shivered, just like a leaf does in the wind.

As both, the metaphor and the simile are based on similarities, it is important to distinguish one from the other: while we have an explicit comparison of a characteristic of to terms in a simile, a metaphor is implicit - there is no comparison, it is omitted and one term simply becomes the other (metaphor: blanket of snow; simile: like a blanket).


3.1. Sally took a look outside her window...

In the first example, we exchanged the verb to look for an expression to take a look. Although we kept the word look, it is no longer a verb here, but  a noun, forming an idiom with the verb to take. It means to look quickly, to glance, and is usually followed by the preposition at.

3.2. She saw a miniature bird...

When something is miniature, it is extremely small, almost like a tiny version of its real size, so when you use this word it really insists on the small size of the object. The term comes from Latin, where it referred to illustrations that were used to decorate manuscripts. These illustrations were small and the word miniature was adopted as a quality of small things.

3.3 She rushed down the stairs...

A better choice than the verb to run, the verb to rush is much more expressive. While running essentially refers to the leg movement, rush includes more than that. When we say that she rushed down the stairs, we perceive excitement, impatience, a state of mind, while running down the stairs simply suggests a rapid action, without apparent reason or cause.

Universidad de Mexico