Proto- oncogene are a type gene which are present in our normal body cells that play an important role in regulaion of cell growth,cell divison, cell differentiation also cell death.
On the othar hand tumor suppressor gene helps in reulation of cell cycle and also cell death or apoptosis.
Proto oncogenes generate various biochemical signals for the regulation of cell cycle as well as cell divison.
Some proto onco genes helps in controlling cell death or appoptosis.Mutation in the proto oncogene leads to the formation of cancer A disease in which the cells divide in an uncontrolled fashion and cell death does not occur.
Tumor suppressor genes stimulate the phenomenon of apoptosis or cell death thus preventing the formation of cancerous cells in our body.
Tumor suppressor gene also regulate the process of DNA replication thus maintaining the stable balance among newly formed cells and dead cells.
Example TP 53, Retinoblastoma, PTEN