The little Albert experiment cannot you cannot you are replicated by today’s standards because it would be unethical. There are multiple ethical issues that are related to the little Albert experiment I believe that the biggest ethical issue was the lack of informed consent from Albert or his parents. Albert was also a fictional name given in the spirit because his real name was Douglas. Also Waston and Rainer describe Albert as a healthy and stable child but he died at 10 years old from hydrocephalus and it is possible that they were aware of his health issues. In a classic city of the power of conditioning technique watchin in a classic study of the power of conditioning technique Watson and Rainer Conditioned a baby known as a little Albert if you white rice and other white fluffy objects. The unconditional stimulus was the loud sound. The conditioned stimulus was the white rats. Be conditioned response was Albert fear. After classic conditioning Albert feared not just the white rat but a wide righty of similar white objects as well.
Question two like some examples would be siblings fighting over a TV show or use of a computer game and the positive opposite would be sitting and watching TV together nicely or taking turns with game without hitting. Another example would be child throwing his clothes all over the floor in his bedroom. The positive opposite would be placing them in his dresser or closet. And here are key tips for using punishment Effectively. 1. Emphasize praise and attention for the positive opposite behavior. Two if punishment is to be used make it mild and brief. Three explain to your child why he or she should or should not do something. Four avoid physical punishment. Five model the behavior you wish to see in your child.