Respuesta :


All the three verbs have regular preterite forms: me levanté, comí, salí.


We construct preterite forms in Spanish by removing the infinitive ending

levant-ar(se)         com-er        sal-ir

...and we add these endings:

-AR                                                            -ER/-IR

1. -é                1. -amos                    1. -í                  1. -imos

2. -aste          2. -asteis                  2. -iste             2. -isteis

3. -ó               3. -aron                     3. -ió                3. -ieron

So, in our example, it would be:

me levant + é = me levanté (I got up)

com + í = comí (I ate)

sal + í = salí (I left)

There are irregular preterite forms in Spanish.


VER: vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron

IR: fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

TENER: tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvisteis, tuvieron

PONER: puse, pusiste, puso, pusimos, pusisteis, pusieron


The regular preterite form(s) in the sentence "Me levanté, comí, y salí para la universidad" are:

  1. Levanté.
  2. Comí.
  3. Salí.


Regular preterite forms are those whose modification between the infinitive form and its conjugated form in a specific verb tense does not drastically change its root, as can be seen below in each case:

  1. Levantar: Levanté.
  2. Comer: Comí.
  3. Salir: Salí.

As you can see, in all cases the root of the infinitive verb is maintained and only the terminations "ar; er; ir" are changed to a vowel with an accent mark.