Fortune is distributed as follows : the 1st $5 million to the dog,1/2 the remainder to the teacher,$50 million to hospital,of the remaining 50% to wife,40% to daughter,9% to lawyer,1% to son... son is getting $10,000
-How much was the fortune?
- who gets the most money and how much?

Respuesta :


Step-by-step explanation:

Working backward, $10,000 is 1% of $1,000,000, so that is the amount of the "remaining."

Apparently that is what is left of 1/2 the "remainder" after $50 million goes to the hospital. So 1/2 the "remainder" is $51M, which is also the amount the teacher gets. Those came out of a total of 2×$51M = $102M, which is the amount after the dog's $5M share.

The fortune was $107 million. The shares were ...

  • dog: $5 M
  • teacher: $51 M (the most money)
  • hospital: $50 M
  • wife: $500,000
  • daughter: $400,000
  • lawyer: $90,000
  • son: $10,000