A criminal released from prison struggles to remain law-abiding, but feels oddly disoriented and at loose ends in his new free life. Soon he is caught stealing cars and is sent back to prison.Although several things could be said about this chain of events, which explanation would be grounded in Durkheim's theory of the roots of deviance?

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Answer and Explanation:

  • Emile Durkheim contended that deviance isn't strange, however, it serves four significant social capacities:  
  1. Deviance explains our aggregate social qualities.
  2. Responding to Deviance characterizes our aggregate ethical quality.
  3. Responding to abnormality binds together society.
  4. Deviance advances change in society.  
  • The possibility of anomie implies the absence of typical moral or social models. This idea originally developed in the year 1893, with French sociologist Emile Durkheim. Normlessness is where the desires for conduct are hazy, and the framework has separated.  
  • The progress from the profoundly organized jail condition to a similarly free and unorganized life made the man experience the ill effects of anomie.