2019 revenue 186,000
on accrual basis it will recognize based on past of time rather than cash collection and disbursements
Accrued revenue for september sales:
$ 192,000 contracts for 2 years
we dvide by 24 month to get the value per month and then, multiply by the expired months to recognize gain attributable to 2019:
192,000 / 24 months x 12 months standing for 2019: 96,000
Now, we calcualte for 1 year contract:
120,000 for a year during 2019 this will be outstanding from January 1st to September 30th 2019
A total of 9 monhs so:
120,000 x 9/12 = 90,000
In total during 2019 it will recognize revenue for: 96,000 + 90,000 = 186,000